An automotive manufacturer tasked us with expediting the delivery of three boxes of parts from India to the United States. With the large batch of printed circuit boards needed in Chicago as soon as possible in order to keep our client’s production line running, we got to work on a last-minute solution to get them there in time.
ACS Time Critical
Rushing automotive parts
across the world

Our Solution:
Routes: Bengaluru > Chicago
Service: Onboard courier
It took us just 20 minutes to send the customer a quote for a bespoke hand-carry solution. As soon as they gave us the go-ahead, we sent an onboard courier based in India to collect the boxes and board the next flight out to Chicago.
When the shipper was unable to sort export clearance as planned, we stepped in to make the necessary arrangements within minutes. The parts arrived in Chicago the next morning and were accompanied the rest of the way to the factory, arriving in good time.
The Finer Details
Global Network: Having experts based around the world enabled us to quickly get the cargo in the air and secure last-minute export clearance.

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